
The studies are open to all men and women committed to the Jewish people, whose values and practice align with those of the Masorti movement. In most cases, candidates are expected to have already been active in the Jewish community, and to have some study experience. 

Rabbinical studies are not only theoretical, they require a lifestyle commitment too. Personal practice should correspond to the accepted norms of the Conservative movement. See our Guidelines for Religious Practice here.

The classes are in English or German, depending on the teacher. Many texts studied will be in Hebrew. Candidates should be able to read and study in English; have basic Hebrew and prayer skills; and be prepared to learn German. Candidates should also display interpersonal skills relevant to rabbinic life.

In order to begin academic studies at the university, you must have a good level of German (at least C1). You can begin your application to the college, and in some cases begin the non-accredited classes, before reaching this level. Basic Hebrew reading skills are required by the college. The first years of study include a number of Hebrew classes to improve reading and speaking skills for those who need.

Course accreditation will be considered by the University of Potsdam on a case-by-case basis, especially Jewish studies done in an academic setting.