Rabbi Bradley S. Artson, Dean
„There is a special magic that opens when sharing Torah from multiple cultures. When I learn with students from across Europe, they show me ways of illuminating the world that I would never have seen without their diverse perspectives and experiences. At Frankel College, we mobilize Jewish insight that literally spans the ages and unites the globe, all in the service of raising up a new generation of rabbis to renew Jewish communities throughout Europe.“
Rabbi Cheryl Peretz, Associate Dean
„Together with the Leo Baeck Foundation we will take our mission to Europe and ensure that Jewish congregations there will receive the rabbinic leadership necessary to foster Jewish renaissance. We are joined in this endeavor with the Potsdam School of Jewish Theology.”
Dr. Sandra Anusiewicz-Baer, Chief Operating Officer
„As a Jewish educator, I can think of no better calling than training the next generation of rabbis for the Masorti movement. It fills me with pride to know that our students will help strengthening Jewish life wherever they go.“