Hamas‘ attack on Israel

A month after the  barbaric events  that happened in Israel, where Hamas assault, deliberately raped, decapitated, murdered, and took over 200 civilians as hostages, the Zacharias Frankel College call for the immediate release of the captive civilians, and to seek for long term solutions.We affirm the right of the State of Israel to protect its […]

Frankel Ordination Limmud

We want to celebrate the New Year and the ordination of three new Frankel Rabbis with Jewish learning on Monday 24th, Oct and Tuesday 25th, Oct 2022. For questions, contact: hoermann@frankel-edu.deSchedules below. Sign up for Monday here Sign up for Tuesday here No registration needed for online participation to „Was ist Jüdische Theologie?“ by Dr. […]

Rabbinical Ordination 2022

The event will be live-streamed at 3:00 pm CET on our YouTube channel.

Investigation regarding sexual harassment and abuse of power

The Cologne based law firm Gercke Wollschläger is investigating the allegations of sexual harassment and abuse of power at Abraham Geiger College. Additionally, also the following institutions are being investigated: the Leo Baeck Foundation, Zacharias Frankel College, the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk, the Union Progressiver Juden and the Allgemeine Rabbinerkonferenz. All of these institutions have […]

Statement of the Rabbinical Assembly

Accusation of Sexual Harassment at University of Potsdam (Frankel College) Dear Colleagues, We want to make you aware of a situation that is unfolding with the Zacharias Frankel College in Berlin, one of our 5 Conservative/Masorti ordaining institutions, and accusations of sexual misconduct against Rabbi Dr. Walter Homolka. The Frankel College is a program of […]

The Zacharias Frankel College celebrates its Second Rabbinical Ordination

On Sunday, 25 October 2020, the Zacharias Frankel College celebrated its second ordination with an enthusiastic audience of representatives of the German government, the University of Potsdam and its School of Jewish Theology, honored guests, leaders of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, community leaders and friends, all taking pride along with the ordinands […]

Mercaz Olami Conference in Jerusalem, September 2019

The Frankel College, represented by Dr. Sandra Anusiewicz-Baer, was also present at the Mercaz Olami Conference in Jerusalem this September where the upcoming elections for the 38th World Zionist Congress in October 2020 were discussed. It was good to see friends from different Masorti communities around the world and make new ones.  

Masorti Europe Board Meeting in Budapest

Our coordinator Dr. Sandra Anusiewicz-Baer joined the Masorti Europe Board Meeting that took place in the community house Auróra, a project of Hungary’s Masorti youth movement, located in the eight district of Budapest.  She introduced the participants from Great Britain and France, Poland and Spain to the work of the Zacharias Frankel College and was elected to be the College’s […]