Students‘ Works and Divrei Torah

Bereshit Darkam – In the Beginning. New Rabbis and New Readings in Genesis.

by Rabbi Josh Weiner and Rabbi Netanel Olhoeft

In Chagigah 3a we read, “There is no Beit Midrash without innovation.” Netanel Olhoeft and Josh Weiner, during their years of study, took on a collaborative project to write and post their interpretations of the weekly Torah portion on Facebook and other digital platforms. On the occasion of their ordination, this collection was published in a book, Bereshit Darkam – In the Beginning. New Rabbis and New Readings in Genesis. While the publication marked the end of their studies, it is really only a technical end. As the book title suggests, this is only a beginning. We hope you will enjoy their fresh wisdom and creative interpretations!  

Seder for One

by our Student Karen Engel: Seder for One (2 or 3 or 4)

When we published our first edition last year of Seder for One, we never thought we would need a second edition.  Yet, once again most of us in Europe will have to celebrate with a small seder alone or with just our immediate family.  So here it is — the second improved edition of Seder for One, with easy vegetarian or vegan recipes to make your seder delightful and special, and with brand new illustrations by my daughter Janina.  It is also in a format that can easily be read on a cell phone, tablet or computer.  Free to download.