The Zacharias Frankel College celebrates its Second Rabbinical Ordination

On Sunday, 25 October 2020, the Zacharias Frankel College celebrated its second ordination with an enthusiastic audience of representatives of the German government, the University of Potsdam and its School of Jewish Theology, honored guests, leaders of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, community leaders and friends, all taking pride along with the ordinands […]

Mercaz Olami Conference in Jerusalem, September 2019

The Frankel College, represented by Dr. Sandra Anusiewicz-Baer, was also present at the Mercaz Olami Conference in Jerusalem this September where the upcoming elections for the 38th World Zionist Congress in October 2020 were discussed. It was good to see friends from different Masorti communities around the world and make new ones.  

Masorti Europe Board Meeting in Budapest

Our coordinator Dr. Sandra Anusiewicz-Baer joined the Masorti Europe Board Meeting that took place in the community house Auróra, a project of Hungary’s Masorti youth movement, located in the eight district of Budapest.  She introduced the participants from Great Britain and France, Poland and Spain to the work of the Zacharias Frankel College and was elected to be the College’s […]

Frankel Retreat, April 2019 with Rabbi Susan Leider

In April this year, Rabbi Susan Leider travelled to us from Jerusalem, where she was on a five-month sabbatical from her role as Senior rabbi at Congregation Kol Shofar in Tiburon, California. Ordained by the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, she partnered with Zacharias Frankel College and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality for a mini-retreat. […]

Zacharias Frankel College Community Outreach

Over the past year, the Zacharias Frankel College has been reaching out to Jewish groups in Europe with shared values, as part of a commitment to be engaged in the wider community, to attract potential rabbinical candidates, and to let people know of our existence. In each institution or forum, we ran activities and learning […]